a funny but functional little sewing tip

I’m still waffling over my waistband issue, despite the fact that a couple kind sewcialists have offered up some smart advice on how to fix said prob. And while I wait for that skirt to fix itself, I thought I’d drop in today with a little sewing tip: Don’t pin your trial-hem in place, use bobby pins! You can see in the pic below how I applied them to my skirt (and yep, this is what’s holding the hem in last week’s photos).

bobby-pinned hem

These slip on easily and securely, but it’s still no trouble to roll the fabric around and make adjustments as needed. There’s the obvious benefit of these not being sharp, so you won’t hurt yourself whilst bending down awkwardly to apply them to the garment you’re wearing, nor when you’re prancing back and forth before the mirror to see if your hem looks all right. Unlike other clips, bobby pins are light weight, so they don’t tug or pull at the fabric much. Finally, I think bobby pins are the sort of thing that 99% of women are likely to have at hand, so next time you’re trying out a hem, give these a try. I’ll be excited to hear if this works well for you too!

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