sound & vision: another new year


1. (unknown source) 2. (unknown source)   3. 4. 5.


It’s January again, and by force of habit, or for some deeper reasons, thinking about reinvigorating, becoming, and planning seems to be the thing we’re all doing. Right now, the idea of an open invitation to be what we are appeals deeply to me. Life is most exciting and fulfilling when we embrace ourselves, radiate goodness and give it up freely to others. I’m open to more of that in my life this year. I’m also looking to spend more time around horses, even an afternoon would be an 100% improvement upon the amount of time I spent around horses last year, which was none. There’s something I want to learn from these calm, strong, graceful animals.

On a more concrete note, I’m thinking (a lot, almost obsessively) about sewing jeans. I’m particularly keen on experimenting with 100% cotton, non-stretch denim, as I continue in my pursuit of the perfect modern + vintage denim vibe. I’m also hoping I can make enough time to put together a Rigel Bomber as part of Jacket January. Chances of this happening are mixed because 1. My pattern has yet to arrive. 2. Good things take time.

Here’s some sound to accompany those visions & a few other notes…


If you’ve yet to watch the documentary Advanced Style, do yourself a favor and make time for it before the week is out. Can’t imagine you won’t find as much joy as I did in seeing how at home these women have become in themselves,  and how radically individualized their aesthetics are. Want to be like them when I grow up.

I’ve been washing my face with honey for over a year now. It’s inexpensive, simple, and natural—all of which count for a lot in my book. Thanks to this and Aesop face oil, my skin has never been happier.

The Cut launched a collection of articles this month exploring the planning and pursuit of personal style. The entire Uniforms That Work series is worth a read.

If you’re interested in some off-screen reading, I so enjoyed The Gigantic Beard That Was Evil by Stephen Collins, and not just for The Bangles references. (Yep, the 80’s band!)

This discussion of the difference between Self-Esteem and Self Compassion resonated with me.

Lastly, Madalynne has managed to round-up an incredible list of inspired and inspiring blogs. She’s asking for votes in a run-off for her best blogs of 2015 list. You can discover some delightful new sewing reads and/or vote for me!

11 thoughts on “sound & vision: another new year

  1. There’s something so healing and restorative about the beginning of the year… it’s nice to walk away from the last year feeling like there’s a new opportunity to assess and grow. I really love the way that you put it- “an open invitation to be what we are”. I’ve recently been thinking about building on my strengths (vs. trying to fix my flaws). It seems like it’s more empowering and efficient to grow who you already are instead of spending your energy on trying to change things about yourself that you don’t like.

    I hope you get to spend time with horses! I was a weird, lonely kid, but when I ended up with a $75 pony (long story!), I got so much more confident and responsible. She was my constant companion and I would probably be a really different person today if we hadn’t grown up together. 🙂

  2. I didn’t know you could wash your face with honey! I think your goals for this year are perfect– loose enough that you don’t feel restricted, and specific enough that you’ll actually do them. Can’t wait to see your makes this year– you always create the most beautiful things.

  3. Happy 2015! I love a new year, too. I’d love to hear about your experiments with 100% cotton jeans; that’s something I’d like to try too. So, here’s to your year of good jeans and horse time!

  4. Great round-up of random stuff! I clicked on most of the links and am quite intrigued about the honey face routine. Also investigating the Aesop now you’ve mentioned it! Happy New Year, looking forward to your makes as always x

  5. If you have the opportunity to spend time around horses do it! I will happily envy you! they are not only beautiful but also therapeutic, as Churchill said: “There’s something, about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” – I simply loved Advanced Style! Have an amazing 2015! … I’m off to check the other links you posted 🙂

  6. this is so on point. & thanks for all the links! I’ve been meaning to watch Advanced Style and I think now’s the perfect time because I’m starting the wardrobe architect series and who better to showcase iconic core style? at the risk of sounding like a total blog creep, I wanted to mention that we met at the bay area sewists meetup in Berkeley (I had on a wax-print Wiksten dress) and I think we both picked up vintage wrap skirt patterns at the end… anywho, I made a wrap skirt and I love it, and then I finally decided to make a blog ! I’m hoping to balance more sewing/making productivity with a “good things take time” mantra too. thanks for the inspiration!

  7. This post is fantastic. I’m a little biased because that Plastic Plates remix of Social Studies is one of my favourite. things. ever. and all of the links are super interesting. And I can’t wait to see the jeans you make!

  8. Pingback: sound & vision: another new year |

  9. I am searching for some sewing stuffs, then accidentally come to your blog. I love reading your style. No more post? 😦 I am still waiting to read your new post.

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