I’d Tap That

Friends, forgive me if you find the title of this post a little, er… crude. I’m not gonna lie, this joke has been in my head ever since Katy & Laney launched their sweet and sexy Tap Shorts pattern. Plus, I thought the occasion called for a little good humor. What occasion, you ask?

tap-shorts-oonapalooza-sewstylist-2.jpgYes!!! is what I exclaimed when I first caught wind of this brilliant Sewcialist plot. True, when writing about my core style a few months ago, I clearly defined my love of modern, easy wearing clothes in neutral tones. And I quote, “I’m not as into colorful clothing as I’d hoped I could be.” I truly did hope to be, as evidenced by my fabric purchases in the early days. But as I came around the learning curve I began to realize that what makes us fall in love with a fabric is not always what makes us fall in love with and wear a garment. So. That’s the long way of saying I’ve got a pretty colorful stash, and Oonapalooza time gave me a great excuse to dig in to it.


In an effort to give you my best Ebony x Oona, I pulled out my biggest shoes and paired them with my boldest earrings. I was hoping to put a few more prints in the mix, but my neutral toned closet left a bit to be desired on that front. I settled for some fun, furry texture instead. (But really, why don’t I have any fringe in my closet? Seriously, that has to change.) When it came time to get in front of the camera I did my best to break out of my rather serious posing standard and said to myself, “What would Oona do?” 


Sooo, less like this. (People don’t believe me when I confess to being a little shy, but honestly, this pic just about captures how I’m feeling most of the time. Especially with my legs hang’n out like that, sheesh!)

tap-shorts-oonapalooza-sewstylist-6.jpgMore like this! (Hey! Smiling is fun! Maybe I could get used to it…)

Now, let me tell you more about the make. I came by this fabric at a thrift store I used to frequent back when I lived in Eugene. I miss that thrift store something fierce because it always had the most amazing vintage fabrics for, like, a dollar. (Once I scored something like six yards of black silk noil for $4.99, but that’s a story for another day.) I had somewhere around a yard of this stuff, which proved to be just enough for the Tap Shorts. And, oh! The Tap Shorts! I really love this pattern. It provided the perfect classic, wearable outline to fill in with all this wild vintage color.


In true Oonabaloona fashion, I chose to forgo a muslin, and given that I just sewed these up blind I think the fit is pretty spectacular. I cut a straight size 6, which is actually one size down from the size recommended by my measurements. I’m learning that I tend to prefer a bit less ease in my garments than is usually drafted for.

I added about two inches to the length. Then I ended up trimming some of that off when it came time to hem. These shorts really looked shorter than I would imagine I’d want them to be until I put them on, and then I realized that K&L know what they’re doing with the high waist + short leg proportions and I should just go with it.

You can see from the rounded side seam in the pic above that I could maybe have left a bit more room for my behind. I also may have had a little snafu with sewing the waistband on upside down and trimming my back panel to fit before realizing I’d done wrong. However, since the shorts have some fullness in the leg I’m getting away with it. (And I’ve been getting away with it all my life, getting away with it…

tap-shorts-oonapalooza-sewstylist-8.jpgI made view B, which also accounts for the fortunate fullness, but you can hardly see the pleats because A: The fabric hides it. B: My butt is using it. The waistband fit perfectly though, and the slope from waist to widest point would be perfect if I’d made a small sway back adjustment, which is something I keep not doing even though I keep seeing that I kinda need to get with that. So next time I’ll probably grade up a size at the waist hip, and take a wedge out of the back, and all will be well with the world.


Never mind that little bit of fabric hanging out of the pocket there. Where’s the stylist when you need one?!

I chose to add the welt pockets as well because I can’t have enough pockets in my life. The directions for these, paired with the detailed online instructions, helped me produce the best looking welt pockets I’ve ever made. Honestly, they’re just about flawless. Of course, the fabric hides that too, but I see you, welt pockets, and I like what I’ve done with you.

I’ll end by saying that when it comes to both Oonapalooza and K&L’s Tap Shorts pattern there are too many beautiful things to link to. So if you haven’t Google stalked these yet, I’d best let you get to it!


43 thoughts on “I’d Tap That

  1. Oh my gosh, I love these so much. The colors look great on you! I am just foraying into color here and there after years of owning nothing but black, white, gray, and brown, and I’m learning to appreciate pops of color–so I think these look great with otherwise monochromatic pieces. It keeps the look grounded. Also, now I want someone to make me shorts, because my proportions make it almost impossible to find good ones off the rack.

  2. I’m google stalking them as we speak – your version is spectacular! I want them just like they are – but tbh I also want to look like you in them, so maybe I will leave this make for another day 🙂

  3. You look great in these and your legs are killer so I reckon you should show them off! I too fall prey to all the colourful fabric. I enforce a strict rule that I have to wear what I make (or else what’s the point?), so I go forth in crazy prints on a very regular basis. It’s fun!

    • You’re totally right, it IS fun! I don’t have a lot of opportunity to wear shorts around these parts, but knowing I’ve got these to grab does give me something to look forward to.

  4. Oh my gosh – first of all, the fact that you can stand in those shoes let alone jump around is enough to amaze me. Second, those shorts are completely Oonariffic and awesome!

    • Thank you so much for sponsoring this fun sewing extravaganza! You’re right to be skeptical of the shoes, but this seemed like an appropriate time to dust them off and see what we could do in ’em.

  5. They look super, and I do have total welt pocket envy! My stash is also a little too bright. My rule for the rest of the year is no more patterned fabric purchases allowed….. Except stripes!

    • Yes, stripes are basically a neutral, right? Keep trying at the welt pockets! They’re a challenge, but then when you start to get it (and you will) there is this unreasonable pride that comes from a job well done.

  6. oh, oh, OH. the poses, the shoes, the fuzzy, the fabric, the pattern, the legs, the BOOTY! i’m sorry, your butt is not big, your butt is what the phrase above this post was coined for (sorry, had to be said)…

    and i actually love that you paired these perfect shorts with a neutral, you look so chic and fun! and the brilliance of a bold print is you don’t see things like side seams (hehehehe, PART OF WHY I LOVE PRINT). just gorgeous!!

    • Haha, thank you! For going with my joke, for all your kind compliments, and for allowing your fellow sewcialists to turn the internet spotlight on you this past month. This was so inspiring and creativity boosting.

      And you’re absolutely right about the brilliance of bold prints & their capacity to camouflage an oops! Though this party is over I’m definitely thinking I need to get out more often.

  7. Your style is the best. That sweater/tap short combo is making my heart go a pitter patter. Also, turbans forever.

  8. Umm, these are amazing. I wasn’t sure how I was feeling about the front pleats on this pattern, but that fabric choice is perfect! Gorg, styling combo too

    • I’m a sucker for fullness, so the pleats were an easy sell for me. You’re totally right, they’re not right for a lot of fabrics. Glad you agree that this pair turned out right!

    • Oh man, that thrift store in Eugene truly was amazing. I’ve yet to find anything like it here because it seems in the Bay Area things are priced accordingly and all the goodies have been pick through before I get there! Ah well…

    • You all put together an amazing pattern! I’m already dreaming up another pair or two… The tucked in sweater just seemed right for the retro classic silhouette of the shorts. So glad you like.

    • Haha, well the nice thing about taking a gajillion pics of yourself is that you can pick the ones that are doing the most for you, as it were. 😉 I sure appreciate the compliment, and thank you for stopping by!

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